Agan-agan, adakah yang sudah make raket wilson Blade 98 (18x20)? Minta reviewnya dong.. Ane masih galau nih beli Wilson Blade 98(18x20) atau Wilson PS97.. Biasanya sih ane make Wilson K (Blade) 98 pinjeman kantor udah enak banget.. Thx..
Jyaaahhh akhirnya bs nonton GTH DAY: Play it Forward concert jg...meski takut jg pengirimannya gak nyampe indo... Wah, nonton dimana konsernya gan?
Baru nonton last summer gan.. horrornya gak ada istirahatnya(sampe capek deg-degan) & jalan ceritanya gak bisa ditebak.. worth buat ditonton, gak sia-sia nyempet-nyempetin nonton abis kerja.. hehe
Hormones - The confusing Teens ----EP -01 --EP-12 ------ Hormones - the Confusing Teens----- EP - 00 Introducing the series and casts 8zSvkkET4ms ------ Hormones - the Confusing Teens----- EP - 01 Testosterone sjmbInwXR20 ------ Hormones - the Confusing Teens----- EP - 02
I kind of agree with you in term of the sequel... and I think GTH has the same thinking with us about this sequel concept too. Ex...there have been many demanding for the sequel of "Hello stranger" and but they have refused to do. GTH has stood on this conceot for long...but recently
Thai Commercial and Ad. has gone international acceptance long time before Thai movie and Thai series. ---- that's why the new Thai movies now arefrom the Advertisment line (Khun Yong - Hormonesseries and Khun Banjong - Shutter and P'Mak have been the director of the Thai advertisment bus
:kiss ---------- :kiss-------:kiss ------ Hormones - the Confusing Teens----- EP - 09 ----- ENG SUB ---------- Cortisol- -------- rWWuQEZTlJM :kiss ---------- :kiss-------:kiss ========================== Really Really Thank you to khun Olaymako, I really curious about the next episode
dow ku di hamili din ya?? :marah sananthachat thanapatpisal cute bgt ya gan.. demen banget ngeliatnya semenjak di film ATM. :wowcantik Kayaknya sih iya gan, liat di trailer ep 8.. *Sabar ya gan.. Btw, dow itu juga maen di suckseed lho.. Yang jadi cewe tomboy yang suka ama som.. CMIIW :ngakak:
Agan-agan mau nanya dong. Ane tanggal 3-10 Agustus 2013 mau ke Bali nih. Kira-kira tanggal segitu ada event atau festival budaya yang menarik gak ya? :bingungs:bingungs:bingungs
wah asli seneng banget nemu thread ginian. akhirnya nemu juga sesama pecinta thai movie and series ~~ (ane asli jakarta kuliah bandung gan, barangkali kalo ada nobar film thai baru di blitz mau dong join hehe) pertama kali ane kenal film thailand tuh dari nonton Bangkok Traffic Love Story yang whi
All the casts almost have the equal roles,... But ----Don't come to conclusion , with only 5 episodes There will be more parts of Khwan in about 3-4 next episode. - The early of series will be the story about the soft part. Episode 1 -5 -- is not -- "the conflict & the most interesting
----------------------------------- ENJOY -------------------------------- :kiss :kiss :kiss Hormones : The confusing Teens -- Thai Series -- ----------- EP - 02 (Dopamine) --------- ENG SUB -------- GOiQCEuoAbk =============================================== Hormones : The confusin
Bagi yang mau ngikutin lakorn (serial) Hormones pantengin aja id user youtube : gmmonetv. Sepertinya gmmone itu channel tv thailand yang nayangin lakorn Hormones. Ini buat lakorn Hormones episode 2: vPzZcZtXo8M Tapi masih belum ada subnya, jadi dikira-kira dulu aja jalan ceritanya. :berdukas :berd
Hormones : The confusing Teens --Thai Series -- -- Eng Sub Tn9YTTip0ss Enjoy !! :ngakak Wah, Thank you very much Olaymako.. I already waiting for it from last saturday. :cendolbig
Salam kenal semuanya.. Ane penggemar thai movie juga nih terutama film-filmnya GTH.. :iloveindonesias :kiss Btw ini episode pertama dari lakorn Hormones.. Udah diupload ama pak sutradaranya: AwkkKtchWKg