usually at sevel kalimalang... do you know it...??? :think: hmmm... shisha... I'm afraid I don't know either just like you... :norose: morning folks how's the plan tonight? I've lost my cellphone so I can't contact anyone :( should be decided in this thread I think :D idk sevel kalimala
make it count :beer: wuhoo yeahyeah so... tomorrow...??? :think: what time...??? :think: Which Sevel? btw, do you know shisha palce in bekasi???
I will sir no worries :beer: good day folks have a great thursday :D cool... have a great day... :beer: what's up Beck's..... November??? why not this weekend hahahha....
morning Beck's Gonna spend this day with TV, games, anime, and sleep too tired to go to office goodbye monday madness sincerely me
my goodness :nohope: kinda different here dude Feel like long bloody holiday here :beer: whhoooooooppppssss Friday night is the best time in the wolrd, feels like all burden go to hell, See you bloody office
pretty long time my friend i rarely attend because of the lack of time I had... yeah mate.. I work at Kompas. so I usually take the train from Cakung to Palmerah ohh, i see That's why i feels like RegBek is more quite Maybe someday BECK or Regbek can make a little gath, just chit chat and sha
I smell gath :D just make it so I can also meet with y'all guys :beer: When was the last time RegBek held gathering or Kopdar? are you usually attend? yesterday, you said that you gotta catch the train. Where's your office? i usually go to office by train (commuter line) too :afro: :afro:
May I join too? :bettys --------------------- Sup everybody :coffee: sup, how's your day? Tuesday feels like Friday, right? Hello BECK, :o may i join again? :o Good morning everybody... :coffee: Yeah, :beer:
I C... so you've graduated already now, haven't you...??? well... maybe I should hold culinary gathering at DRY galaxy... :D maybe you would join us if the gath will be held... :D yeah, now i work at investment (capital market) company yeah i will go, sorry i in a rush, gotta catch train (CL)
good afternoon dude... how's your day...??? :D welcome back... :beer: well... caca been replaced by kancutbasah... then kancutbasah replaced by gibonx... and gibonx replaced by me... :o you have missed regbek a lot dude... :D well ano... you can call me mercky, gan... :malu: regbek is for life...
gan kapan lagi nih ada acara lari bareng, Ane nubi mau ikut gabung.. hehe Masih rame ga nih RegBek, Ane dulu sempet aktif dimari, tahun 2009, cuman abis itu ane cabut ke Jogja kuliah, sekarang dah balik lagi kemari. Semoga bisa ikut acara2 RegBek yang rame...
welcome backbro :beer: and yes sir, you may join us. :D Thanks bro :shakehand2 So, who is the Regional Leader now? I remember it was "Caca" or something, back in 2009. he was Regional Leader.
Good afternoon. this day will be a loong blooody day :D Monday madness, huh? Can i join this thread guys? Since i was member in "RegBek" back in 2009, and i leave RegBek fo 4 years (College life), and now i'm back. I think that no one remember me. So, i'll introduce my self. You can ca
up up up!!yg bikin aturan ngaco, yakali dah roko lebih sehat dari vaping, rang gilak!! :najiss :najiss :najiss :najiss
ane tanggal 16 maret, dah mulai gawe disana . bagian FRO, training 2 bulan, kalo bagus jadi karyawan.. apakah ada yg senasib dengan ane ? FRO apaan gan? Field Relationship Officer?
Ane selasa ini dpt panggilan disana gan, buat test tulis dlu sih..semoga berjodoh deh. Wismilakk gann.. ane doain gan, ane udah dapet kerja ditempat lain jg, ga jadi di orix nih huuuhuuuu