Ane buka toko susu dan pampers di batu ampar kramat jati gan. minta price listnya. Terima kasih sebelumnya.
Situasi agan2 diatas mirip2 sama ane. Sudah belasan taun ane ngalamin ini gangguan dan baru nyadar setelah lulus kuliah kalau ini gejala fobia sosial. kira2 ada agan2 disini yang tinggal dijakarta gak. Ane pengen ketemu buat diskusi masalah ini bersama2 dan menghilangkan rasa stres bersama kalau ...
hello everyone,.. i'm kinda newbie here. nice to get in touch with all of you.. i was just done my writing and i need a favor of you guys to check it. Thanks in advanced.. :cendols
i got it.. so,, you mean if i write like this : TODAY's Status : - Creating some documents (still in progress) - Edited some files (i've completed) note : TODAY's Status = the tasks i did today It's correct, isn't it?? Thank You.. :)
ohhh.. that's what i thought before.. but, yesterday, my friend used '(verb)+ing' form to write a status (yesterday tasks) such as: -posting to wall facebook (user and friend) -implementing dual language (30%) that means, if i did the tasks yesterday, but i still haven't yet done and wanna conti...
Good night guys.. i have a question to ask.. If we wanna write a sort of tasks we've done, we use : (verb)+ed or (verb)+ing ? such as: (verb)+ed - edited some papers - fixed some design - implemented some documents or (verb)+ing - editing some papers - fixing some design - implementing some docum...
Wow... That's very detailed explanation (including the examples) and so englightened. Thanks alot agan loc. But, i found out on this site has different explanation. As you can see, they used 'having' for Present Perf...
coba diperjelas lagi pertanyaannya. kamu tahu nama tense nya beda, kata2nya juga beda. perbedaan apa lagi yg kamu maksud? wahhhh... my apologies, i've been being away for this whole day. so, i can't reply you straight away. talking about my question above, i'm very sorry my question has confused ...
Morning everyone... Nice day today.. Today, i just learned about Present Perfect Simple v Present Perfect Progressive. As many of us, i got confused when i was learning that. My questions : - How long have you been a member of the tennis club ? (Present Perfect Simple) - How long have you been le...