it's just in conversationm sometimes when i talking to my teacher or my friend the eord that I want to say already in the edge of my tongue but don't know how it's difficult to say it.
The thing which is spinning on my mind now is being an inventor, just imagine if I can create something that can be used by a lot of people all over the world. it's possible to create impossible thing! And your idea about Nat-Geo Explorer is awesome, it open my mind a lot i really like your dream j
Kalo nidurin bini tetangga Masuk yg mana bre :lehuga berarti ente itu penyuka hal hal yang bertantangan bre
Sorry bray, ane kagak pake matic. Ane pakenya kendaraan beroda dua bermesin pedal, dua gear, dan 1 buah rantai. Kecepatannya tergantung kekuatan kaki ane :coolBerarti kita sama bray, pria harus memiliki kaki yang kuat :cool
ane first kiss sm aspal jalan gan :D tekstur kasar, rasa cenderung pahit, menyisakan kerikil2 kecil di lidah inilah first kiss terindah sejagat kaskus yang pernah ane baca ahhahahaha