buat yg lg coba move on but its so hard.. you can't keep the person that you love for yourself, love is not selfish, you need to let the person go and to be happy even though how painful it is for yourself, I'm pretty sure that her happiness meant the world to you.. and if you truly love that perso
ya menurut gw, sgimana ga baiknya dan sgimana lu disakitin, lu kasih aja.. ga ada salahnya.. mau sgmn hubungan lu ga baik sm dia lu ga boleh gt... kasi aja niatan lu baik sbagai tmn .. maupun lu pny feelings sm dia dlunya..
yah bro kalo menurut gw ya sabar aja.. jgn ngerusak hubungan dia sm cowonya.. one day sooner or later lu jg bakal ketemu cewe yg the right one for you, musi banyak sabar.. kalo lu kepikiran coba distract sm olahraga ato apa.. emg ga gampang.. tp lu pasti bs