Permisi Agan-Agan, saya mau promosi lagu saya, kalau boleh :))) lagunya berdasarkan kontes remix yang lagi jalan Gan, kalau boleh sekalian disupport :) terimakasih Gan !
Gahahaha tapi ane sendiri kurang suka yang dekil gan, lebih ke slick sih sukanya gayanya hehehe :ngakak
Semoga ane tetep ingat sama etika-etika dasar kayak gini gan :ngakak perempuan suka nih laki-laki begini hehehe
gw nonton punya pewdiepie aja dah :hammer Pewdiepie lamaa uploadnya gan, mending yang sama cryaotic deh, udah kelar dari kapan tau :ngakak
Ya sudah pasti COWOK TAJIR. COWOK TAJIR PASTI PINTER! Bagaimana coba caranya orang bodoh bisa jadi tajir? -- pesugihan? buat perjanjian dengan iblis? Orang pinter belum tentu tajir, tapi orang tajir sudah pasti orang pinter. -- Kalau bisa dapat yg lebih (pinter, tajir & keren), ngapain juga
Manganya belom kelar ya ? Kalo yang english translationnya baru sampe 33 :sorry yang bahasa mandarin malah udah kelar ini aduh.
starkrobb : "EW WTF DID U JUST SHIT YOURSELF ?! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF FOR F SAKE." aryoadhi123 : "I don't even have an ass." starkrobb : "Then...who..." -To Be Continued-
Twitter could be one, but the most effective one is omegle. If you wanted to practice, go watch american movie everyday, and read american book once in a while
IDENTIFY next g-a-l-o-e-r-i-n AMW! first alphabet : R Hahahaha I thought it was galorina. Sorry, sorry. Ringaloe ? Raloegin ? I don't seem to find the word hahaha next r-l-o-t-l
NOOOO!!!! You're not Batman, no one can be Batman except Batman itself...wait what?? Trust me I'll be an engineer. it's my goal in life. How many times do I have to tell you ? AFTER THIS, YOU'RE GOING TO MEDICAL SCHOOL GODDAMMIT. Just give me the phone, trust me !
There's so many mysteries in the deep of Antartica. Lu ngomong apaan sih? What the f*** are you talking about ? Nenek gua dulu ikut perang dunia 2, dia naik kuda lari sana lari sini ngejar-ngejar Hitler di Bogor.
EDM ! Not the generic *oomph oomph*, more into the melodic ones tho :D Try Porter Robinson (his four latest single), Madeon, and Wave Racer
Oh this is actually quite convincing :ngakak my method is basically the same, only I did it without textbook that are made specifically for english, and no audio for the same purpose. All I did was I watched american movies and listened to american songs, while reading american books. Pretty much...
"You don't remember what happened. What you remember becomes what happened" - me jk it was John Green
Watch american movies all the time ! And read (also) american books. Doing those could mature your grammar and vocabulary, while at the same time understanding how to pronounce things (tone, pause, accent). :shakehand2