The result show that most of us learning by our self. Maybe I should create a special thread about self learning and create the self learning community. Then I should encourage all of you to discover self learning method.
Meh, I guess nobody's perfect Well, You did a good job dude. You got the highest score in the Kaskus .
Well, not bad, But really need improvement. But I think the test was weird. Many questions had the oblique answer.
what's a great conversation here . I'm proud that i'm a thread starter . lol in fact, in poll more of us learning by our self . this indicate most of internet user more rely on him self to learn English . That's a good start . let's rock in English ...
pagi - pagi dapat surat cinta dari fxcm Dear Client, FXCM CLIENT ACCOUNTS SECURE – RAISES $300 MILLION IN CAPITAL FXCM previously announced that due to unprecedented volatility in the EUR/CHF pair after the Swiss National Bank announcement of January 15, 2015, clients experienced significant lo...
Aneh gimana gan maksudnya? Ane orang indo tulen gan.. :ngakak gak tau deh .. coba renungi aja gan binggung aja kalau liat member kaskus yang ada logo broker jadi aneh kalau ngomong :ngakak
broker - broker pada colaps ... pada usd/chf black swan . Casualties mounted from the Swiss currency shock as a U.S. online brokerage said client debts threatened to push it out of complia...
Gan ane trading forex, ane kok lost terus gan??? Kenapa Gan??? Apa rahasia biar trading ane profit terus gan??? Berhubung ane punya banyak temen trader yg suka ngutarain pertanyaan ini? langsung aja deh gan ane kasi tau Rahasia Rahasia Trader Hebat Profit 100 Berkali Lipat Banyak Dari Trader Biasa
semua broker kayaknya pada freeze deh ... pada requote semua .. :ngakak pasti dealing room nya broker - broker pada heboh nih ... yang sell usd/chf atau BUY CHF ... selamat .. ini jackpot 10 tahun sekali ....
Swiss National Bank discontinues minimum exchange rate, lowers interest rate to –0.75% From Story is in PDF Format Read Full Story at The Swiss National Bank (SNB) is discontinuing the minimum exchange rate of CHF 1.20 per euro. At the same time, it is lowering the interest rate o...
swiss franc kumat ... chart jadi loncat loncat .. ini chart teraneh yang pernah ane liat :ngakak super sekali
legend thread yang bertahan dari 2009 until 2016 . 6 Years Brow .. congratulation to TS .. You are doing great jobs .... btw ini Gift_art = trade_maniac kan ?