is everything fine, good sir? > would your sharing help in alleviating "something" you felt? :D Why would anything not be fine? :linux2: you should just bang bang the virus with your rifle sir xixixi... dont tease him... he must be really nervous... :ngakaks :ngacir: I have th
your ask (hit) and run habits :ngakaks I do hit and run because my real life has consumed me. :takuts I should go back to just staying at home. :linux2:
it must be because your provocative works babang red :batas (initially pick brick emot not cendol) :Peace: :goyang What provocative works do I do? :linux2:
It seems this thread is the only active English thread in Kaskus. May I join this thread? Welcome and why would you think so? :eek
Sempit sekali definisi lockdown-nya pak Yuri. Kebutuhan dasar seperti makanan, air, dan gas ya tetap diperbolehkan masuk dan pastinya bakal melewati Military Checkpoint di beberapa titik. Yang bikin berdarah-darah ya memang terhentinya ekonomi karna investor tarik uang. Kalau dalam keadaan karant...
Siap siap Langit runtuh Meteor berjatuhan Bumi terbelah Ombak setinggi gunung tapi ya gatau lihat ntar :cool :ngakak
Sebotol 100rb.... :kalah:kalah:kalah:kalah Skrg jd berapa tuh? Kl ada di toped ane beli deh, buat jaga2. ADD:: Kontra Indikasi Tidak boleh digunakan oleh penderita sklerosis multipel, penyakit leukemia, tuberkulosis, AIDS, dan penyakit autoimun. Ane punya autoimun (Rheumatoid Arthritis), wkwkw
For school, we need 5 people more and then we are done. Can you help us with filling this in? If you don't drink you can select I don't drink. :) Alright, I’ll do it.
Hi Reddington, this survey is for all people, not just for people who drink beer. If you don't drink beer, you can still fill it in. :) That so, huh? What for anyway?