Saya rasa point anda semua cukup valid. But i still feel the new rules are chaotic. With this rule you have to define many things...1.) Stalling (dominant/ non-dominant) 2.) Fake submission (dominant/ non-dominant) .These things are very subjective and will also depend on how familiar the refs are
Gue mixed feelings sih tentang stalling. Gue masih ngerasa stalling itu sangat subjektif. Contohnya... kalo grappler A di posisi dominant tapi grappler B defending very well, it will take a long time to get the submission. Does the rule mean grappler A have to abandon dominant position to get the s
reff yg berkuasa hanya 1 yaitu yg berada didalam ring. wasit 2 diluar ring hanya komen " JIKA" ditanya wasit 1,...wasit 2 "HANYA" bisa komen bila pelanggaran serius, misalnya ada luka,berdarah dan wasit 1 tdk melihat. I dont really worry about the refs arguing sih bro. Gue cum
Also, in my opinion if you want a true submission only. There should be no such thing as penalty cards and NO time limits. Just my opinion aja.
Menurut gue rulesnya not that good. Things like stalling/ stalling in a bad position/ stalling in a good position/ pura2 submission are very subjective. Satu ref bisa pikir itu stalling, satu lagi bisa pikir itu enggak. Kalo kayak gitu gimana ya? Kan bisa rame. Argue sana-sini. Of course... every