hi, the PMDG T7 FS2Crew is working correctly, just remember to block it (firewall) and to insert a 5 digit serial (any combination should work), then the software will work perfectly.
+11111111111111111111111 Don't know why people aren't leaking the newest fs2crew products!. Im gonna answer myself: Now Fs2crew needs to be kracked too. :( :@.
Flight Sim Design SCIE http://secure.simmarket.com/flightsimdesign-chile-carriel-sur-scie-2014-fsxp3dfs2004.phtml
And the problem is now that "bliblobla" has shared with all his energy, heart and soul, and someone must have copy paste them in a forum or something, which is too easy for Aerosoft to find, grab and blacklist... What a shame... Anyways, i noticed if you install clean v.2.35 it does not
FS2004 Tropicalsim Punta Cana 2014 http://www.simflight.cn/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/126790_mdpc_fs9_10.jpg FSX Tropicalsim Punta Cana 2014 (P3D compatible) http://www.simflight.fr/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Tropicalsim_Punta_Cana.jpg Only request by PM will be answered ! Please link for the FS9 v