waaahhh TS ya ini om gery ya?? Suhu HDR nih... :D Si rama_adams jg ada thread nya om... add instagram ane ya : aridioteque salam #iphonesia
REDnewbie - geektool : googling..:hammer: - dateline - bowtie - adium : color theme (iPhone), listlayout (HUD),service icon (service extention white with stroke), status icon (iPhone mini) - wifi status geektool script by : marcado deviantART gan, share link wallpapernya dong :amazed:
ini gan link wallpapers om alex koleksi ane http://www.flash-screen.com/free-wallpaper/del-piero-wallpaper.html http://soccerlens.com/wallpapers/alessandro-del-piero-juventus-hd/ http://www.hd-wallpapers.com/wide/sports/del-piero-juventus-torino_1280x800_335-wide.html juventus -> http://api.n...
wah, ada juventini juga nih.. hehe, cb cek dlu gan --> http://www.wallpapers-hd.net/2010/04/juventus-fc.html
gan, macbook ane kan umurnya baru 1 bulan 10 hari, tp health batterainya sdh 94% , wajar ga ya? apa sdh harus di kalibrasi nih baterainya? *hampir setiap hari macbook ane nyala rata2 durasi 6-8 jam.
Cobain step2 berikut ini gan : open the wrapper launch to wineskinsettings go to advanced run wine config then at the integration tab change the directory of My documents (to anywhere you want) retry to launch the game launch a match then retry settings it's work for me
Sudah nemu om... Hehehe... Tapi masih ada problem lain, kn sdh masuk setting di bagian controller atur joystick, resolution bla,bla,bla dll. tp setelah OK di setting, masuk ke game PES nya tetep ga berubah hbs di setting, msh default setting, itu gmna ya gan agar setting di PES itu bisa di save ?...
6. Port Info: Wine port, ready to go 7. minimum System Requirements: (example) 2. minimum System Requirements: - OS: Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard - CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor - RAM: 1024 MB - Video: nVidia GeForce 320M - Apple's X11 must be installed - about 8 GB Hard Drive Space require...