CLOSED A6000 flash bounces card (1 set isi 3 card - clear, amber n white) Harga 350K / set incl ongkir DP 50% (max 2x24 jam setelah pemesanan) *tanpa DP, order tidak diproses Estimasi kedatangan barang 2 - 3 minggu Order ditunggu sampai hari Jumat, 29 May 2015 (setelah 10 set, batch 1 di closed) ...
Pagi semua.. mau nanya dsini ada yang kenal or tau or ada yang bisa sewain lensa e-mount 55-210? Thank you infonya.. FYI, uda cek yang di page 1 soal penyewaan itu. tp lensa 55-210 ndak ada..
hehe, ok2 back to bahasa Indonesia dh. tadi itu abis kirim email ke forum Sony yang diluar, jadinya langsung copas, males ketik ulang. respon dari Sony Indo maupun dari yang luar kayanya sama aja tuh. not helping at all.. too bad ya, padahal ZR itu termasuk dalam kelas premiumnya Sony Mobile loh.
bukan rahasia lagi ya? too bad dunk, ini pertama kalinya beli hp Sony. hahaha, there will no next time then.
I bought the so-called water resistance Xperia ZR only just few weeks before the phone got total malfunctions. Very disappointing! First week I found issue on the wi-fi connection which always showed "authentication problem" Then week after, I brought the phone with me and got wet durin...
I bought the so-called water resistance Xperia ZR only just few weeks before the phone got total malfunctions. Very disappointing! First week I found issue on the wi-fi connection which always showed "authentication problem" Then week after, I brought the phone with me and got wet durin...
gan, nanya dunk. klo kerja disana cuma pake working permit itu kena TAX berapa persen ya? and klo PR berapa persen? penasaran gede ndak sih TAX di Singapore. thanks :)