Israeli archeologists released a report saying camels were not domesticated in Israel until hundreds of years after Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Radiocarbon dating shows camels were domesticated, at the very earliest, towards the end of the 10th century BCE. Archaeologists Erez Ben-Yosef and Lidar Sa Brutal: Four severed heads were found in the Mexican state of Michoacan last week 'La Tuta': Servando Gomez-Martinez is a former school teacher turned ruthless,
:ngakak:ngakak:ngakak:ngakak ATAS ANE ** SENSOR **... NGEJUNK AJE KERJAANNYA... RIBUT AJE YUK... MWU LO KETEMU DIMANE... KLO TERGUNCYANG JANGAN KAYAK ORNG GILA... :marah:marah:marah:marah:marah setiap di thread gue selalu pasang longcat dia :ngakaks
pelaku kriminal & kejahatan 90% lebih adalah orang dari seberang pulau bali. saya mengatakan demikian berdasarkan fakta yg saya lihat, bukan sekedar menakut-nakuti. 90 % itu riset dari hasil khayalan anda sendiri? oh iya,setahu saya orang'' hindu di bali itu juga cukup banyak yang bigot da