-=Welcome to rf Over Down=- BARU UP JAM 3 SORE InI !!!! ======Server Information====== Max lvl 50 ☑ Activated Premium Service ☑ Activated Premium Card ☑ Exp x50 ☑ Animus x250 ☑ Mine Speed x400 ☑ PT Rate x50 ☑ Aktif Item Mall ☑ Aktif Guild Honor ☑ Aktif JBB antar player ☑ Free B
-=Welcome to rf Over Down=- Kangen RF jaman Soeharto? ngak alay? rf yang sentar lagi UP? maksimal cuma lepel 50 mas, full RPG. langsung join aja groupnya https://www.facebook.com/groups/overdown/?fref=ts ======Server Information====== Max lvl 50 ☑Activated Premium Service ☑Activated Premium C...
RF DUMAI REBORN 2232 INTERNATIONAL SERVER MAX LV 55 Server Udah Siap Up Tinggal Promot DOang ! Hari Jum'at Minggu Ini ! Event Promote Lumayan GG loh Reward nya Reward : 1St = Donate Medium 2Nd = Ele Donate + Weapon Donate 3Rd = Ele Donate Event Masi banyak lagi.. Cek DI Grup Facebook Website : ht...