tetiba banyak account "onepost" menginvasi.. http://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/12/23/5810766_20131223031533.jpg :ngakak Positive Thinking saja gan :kiss karena negative thingking itu termasuk salah satu penyakit kejiwaan lohh, kemarin kan udah di tes psikiatri tuhh :D No
http://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/12/22/2098978_20131222031835.jpg komen yg paling menarik : impossibru...ha...ha.. thanks gambarnya, it's really funny
Barusan telp ppm, ext 2406, ga ada yg angkat. Pas ke operator, yang angkat satpam, di infokan karyawan pada cuti sd tgl 6 januari baru masuk. Coba pada telp deh.... biar valid infonya...
I just called PPM today, operator imformed me that announcement will not be delivered within this month, as most of PPM staff will be on leave starting from next week. Highly possible, that announcement will be in January 2014, or January 6 at the fastest. You know, it makes me crazy, as we, all OJ