Pict Girl’s Day - 10asia Magazine January 2014 Link Image 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cr : kmagazinelovers http://i.imgur.com/iYGjlZD.png Girl’s Day di 10asia Magazine bulan ini
Videos Girl's Day CF LG Pocket Photo ZYwwKOhycmA Cr : Hee K http://i.imgur.com/iYGjlZD.png iklan terbaru Girls Day Minah so cute hehehe
Videos 2 Days and 1 Night - Season 3 : Snowy Scene Gift Part 1 8NOlBAo1LBo It's only their 3 trip and hell is already starting. After wrapping up the Before Sunset Race with the morning angel and winning some awards at the Entertainment Awards... The members get stranded at Mokpo due to
Videos The Return of Superman - Ep. 9 O94BwMPCHe4 - Ep. 9 : "No Flower Blossoms Without Hardship." Sunghoon and Sarang visit Mt. Fuji. But Sarang isn't interested at all. Also Sunghoon prepares a surprise party for Shiho. He dresses up as Mickey Mouse. How will he look? Tablo
Videos 140119 SBS Inkigayo AOA 3Ss_34G2XFk GOT7 dAo9tbh7hXk Ailee l9_E5U0leq0 Girls Day LfT_kdDWTuc Dal shabet g5ZrhPUs-1A Wassup pqYpdHAbkhI Rain 9xNM1_nvMyU TVXQ yBAQZ83Sd_g Cr : SBSMusic1 http://i.imgur.com/iYGjlZD.png Inkigayo hari ini di comeback stage ada AOA and debut st
Pict Clara - Ceci Magazine January Issue Link Image 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cr : kmagazinelovers http://i.imgur.com/iYGjlZD.png Clara di Ceci Magazine bulan January
Pict Park Bo Young - The Big Issue Magazine Link Image 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cr :kmagazinelovers http://i.imgur.com/iYGjlZD.png Park Bo Young di The Big Issue Magazine udah pada kenal Park Bo Young kan ya? hehehe
Videos Let's Go! Dream Team 2 : Short Track Skating - Part 2 Part 2 qaAEcUqMRTM Part 1 y9dAqfvbiVE Short Track Skating - Part 2; It's the short track even to wish success at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. Who is the winner of the 500m individual race? A special contest against Kim Dong
ninggalin jejak ah gan biar update berita kpop tiap hari hehehe :malu oke silahken gan hehehe updatenya juga bisa diliat disini
Pict Clara - InStyle Weddings Magazine January Issue Link Image 1 2 3 4 Cr : kmagazinelovers http://i.imgur.com/iYGjlZD.png Clara di InStyle Weddings Magazine bulan January jangan lewatkan aksi Clara yg sangat berkesan pada MV di bawah ini hehehe rMtCJC39SqU
Pict Song Ji Hyo - 1st Look Magazine Vol.60 Link Image 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cr : kmagazinelovers http://i.imgur.com/iYGjlZD.png Song Ji Hyo di 1st Look Magazine udah pada kenal Song Ji Hyo kan, gak perlu ane jelasin hehehe
Videos Wassup Nari AfreecaTV Clip x4kdGTmS7GM Cr : Wassup 와썹 Kpop http://i.imgur.com/iYGjlZD.png ente di cariin Nari tuh gan hehehehe
Videos 2 Days and 1 Night Season 1 - Mungyeong, Gyeongsangdo!, part 1 RCaa4lKaNQI - Visit and hold an impromptu guerrilla concert at Chungju National University. Source : KBS World TV http://i.imgur.com/iYGjlZD.png KBS World TV merilis kembali 2 Days and 1 Night Season 1
ini t-ara nya full tim atau yang eunjung ama hyomin doang gan ? kalo gak salah itu yg eunjung ama hyomin doank gan hehehe photonya
Videos The Human Condition : 1-year Anniversary Special, Analog Trip KBS World TV merilis The Human Condition : 1-year Anniversary Special, Analog Trip
Videos Immortal Songs 2 : T-ara, Narsha, Ulala Session, V.O.S & more Q2WXi89950w - This week's Legend: Tae Jinah - This week's artists: T-ara, Narsha, Ulala Session, V.O.S, U Sungeun, Cho Janghyuk - Singers are challenged to sing the masterpieces of Tae Jinah, the artist who are rec
Videos 140118 Music Core AOA - Miniskirt 0Ffo9nrwFIY GOT7 - INTRO + Girls Girls Girls H-qBUpHW7zM B1A4 - Lonely H9UyBe4zFbE Ailee - Singing Got Better GQ51ZamT14E Girl's Day - Something 8COAkwajq9s Dalshabet - B.B.B dfJiSqt2gaY Rain - LA SONG iZJUEpJ5B-c TVXQ! - Something YxLt5DeCaaA
ini udah cakep , kurus, tinggi pula. yang jadi pemeran antagonis di film i hear your voice nih :ngakak gw kira pertama lee da hae yg pernah ke RM ternyata namanya sama dan sama2 artis :ngakak ========================== anjrit lah baru liat seolhyun AOA ga bisa perform di miniskirt, padahal kesuk
Pict BESTie for Men's Health January Issue Link Image 1 2 3 4 Cr : uploader http://i.imgur.com/iYGjlZD.png BESTie di majalah Men's Health bulan January ane share juga video dancenya BESTie yg sangat menarik di bawah ini hehehe eeduK-VK1cw