Ane Staff Menghubungi Public (Pi AR ) di Perguruan Tinggi...sekaligus TUkang Jepret Sana Sini.., tukang Buat Web Site, Tukang Syuting klip-Klip Asal.. sambil berdagang... :Peace:
In my opinion, When we are in the middle of community or Crowd/Public space here, Using a Slank English is No Problem, but it'll be different when we are in the schools or Universities, Conference, and others Formal Activities. Somehow it will be a different situation when we applied it to t...
bukan Qoute woi,,, Not, Qoute woi, It Should be "Quote"..... Gara2 awak ni pernah jadi Dosen Mata Kuliah Englishlah Ceritanya ni... Its Because I had been Lecturing the English Languange Course in one of the universities here in Tanjungpinang.... :ngakak
Let Me Introduce MySelf First.. I'm Dipa, One Of The Tanjungpinang Photographer that live in this Coastal City... you can see my real name from my ID.. Anyway This quite a Good Job by the thread Starter.. Not Just a mere Conversation , but it should improving our verball English Communicatio...