, an online based healthcare service provider, is currently looking for Full Time Junior Editor to assist in editing articles (in Bahasa Indonesia) for its web content. - Graduate from English Department preferred, fresh graduate welcome - Ready to work immediately - Able to edit 100-150
For people who wants to have a new life, new mindset, positive thinking, self motivated and driven only.
"You can make more money, but you can't make more time - Robert Shemin" Do you want to have both? Register to find out how. This is the project of helping yourself by helping others. To register, please PM with: 1) Number of guests attending. 2) Names. 3) Contactable mobile no. This is ...
Currently looking for business partners in whole Indonesia. With small capital but short time of return of investment. Helping people is our main objective. - Marketing / Business Development tasks - No sales - Positive attitude, good listener - Think out of the box / Business mindset - Not afrai...
agan-agan semua... update buat yang mau PO metrodataonline keluarin info buat PO... sayangnya baru ZF5 doang ane bukan orang metrodata.. cuma cek-cek beberapa ol shop, ternyata baru dia yang keluarin berita cuma info aja yah..
pastinya harga akan turun seiring jalannya waktu dan tambah canggihnya gadget mendatang... tapi untuk PO (karena udah liat dok nya) kemungkinan besar ga berubah harganya waktu diluncurkan..... :D
hi all, nubie disini... dari yang pasif ngebaca sampe aktif ikutan nimbrung... wah, baru beberapa jam saja udah nambah 3-4 page... serasa ketinggalan jaman.... :ngakak kebetulan dapet file abis ngubek2 oom google dan ternyata untuk jumlah zf6 untuk preorder sangat terbatas... mungkin mereka ragu ...
mari kita mulai hidup sehat sambil menambah isi celengan sendiri. Daftar di dan ikuti training nya dengan trainer dari Singapore di Jakarta tanggal 18 Jan nanti.