Gan ane numpang nanya,, kmren habis beli motor second supra x 2003,, setelah deal,, ane baru nyadar,,, plat no di stnk ma bpkb kok beda y? Sama tempat yg jual di depan bpkb ny di kasih sticker mereka yg tertulis plat no yg d stnk, kira2 bakal bermasalah g y? Benerin ny biar sama gmn? Cuman plat n...
School Days HQ Pass: 4fakku@seksmeup 1. Download all 49 parts (file names are random) 2. Download this .bat file to the same folder you downloaded the parts. 3. Run the .bat file to get the correct names of all the files. 4. Proceed as you normally would. Dow