Selamat pagi, Agan2 master dan suhu sekalian Aye nubitol, lg butuh pencerahan.. Lampu depan espass Aye mati, gan.. Pas diperiksa Socket colokan set kabel nya rusak (meleleh) Udah cari di fjb, tp ga nemu spare part nya. Apa ada yg punya info tempat beli set kabel ini gan? Lalu barangkali ada pence...
i go to work on Sunday htay? I touch everything in the museum which have 'DO NOT TOUCH' sign on them. *I'm so tough*touch*touch* Hah! How tough are you? *gives out nasty smirk*
Gosh, a cup of latte with some beautiful medium foam and a bit sugar is always be the best for me, guys :ngakaks Lately i tried cappuccino in Jc*, it tasted so dang good. Honestly it was already be the best without sugar, but since i love the sweet one, i added some sugar into it and voiilaa it tas
Did you guys ever heard of "Death Wish" coffee? it said that "Dead Wish" is the strongest coffee. i wonder what it taste like.... Death Wish? Hmmm...what an interesting name for a cup of coffee. Provoking too, I must say. It makes me curious about what it tastes like. Consideri
I love coffee! Hmm.. I guess the taste is different between the 'manual brewed' one and the 'instant' one. The manual one, they have a stronger smell, and various type of taste.. Some are mild, not too bitter, while some are bold, and strong; both in taste and smell. Some even have this sour fruity
All of me - John Legend Everything I Do (do it for you) - Bryan Adams It's pretty funny to find this 'e' letter everytime I submit a song here. It's the 3rd time now. Wonder if I'd get any prize if I submit 5 e in a row.. Wahahahaha