BitFenix Pandora BitFenix AEGIS BitFenix ATLAS
BitFenix Computex 2014 Halo Sobat pada event Computex 2014 lalu BitFenix menampilkan beberapa casing terbaru yang "akan/segera" diluncurkan. Berikut cuplikannya : qiSD7x9b-Kw _4EnlWS3E3Y z5Nwh4UN0Vo 8ixnmns50zs MnVpn
See the Future with BitFenix at Computex 2014 Halo Sobat, Taipei - Computex 2014 tanggal 03 Juni 2014 sampai dengan 07 Juni 2014 sebentar lagi akan digelar dan BitFenix akan menampilkan produk-produk innovasi dan terbaru disana, letaknya di BOOTH M0301 Nangang Exhibition Hall. Cekidot : The lates
Color Your World with BitFenix Neos Halo sobat, baru-baru ini BitFenix meluncurkan casing terbaru yakni NEOS (versi window). Cekidot ; Smart and simple case design with multiple color options to suit your own personal style (BitFenix Design Lab, May 15, 2014) – Introducing Neos, the latest cas
halo gan, mau nanya nih, collosus mATX blm masuk indo kah ?? kok googling di beberapa toko komputer gak ada yang jual nih... kalo boleh tau bisa dibeli dimana nih barang gan... Hi bro, untuk stok BitFenix Collosus mATX bisa langsung hubungi distro resmi Bitfenix di alamat bawah ini Vertizon Te
Kabar GEMBIRA!! Hari ini tanggal 30 April 2014 BitFenix telah meluncurkan Power Supply di jajaran produknya! Cekidott!! Source : BitFenix News Top quality components and impressive design combine for the ultimate PSU (BitFenix Design Lab, April 30, 2014) – For a long time, the power supply is on
BitFenix Phenom NVIDIA GeForce GTX Edition!!!! http
BitFenix Prodigy Red - PC Lab dengan RADEON R9 295X2 :matabelo Source : BitFenix FanPage BitFenix Phenom Case Review! Source : realhardwarereviews bitfenix-phenom-mitx-case-review
CUSTOM MODDING BUILD around the world 1. Beautiful Green and Black themed BitFenix Phenom Micro-ATX build by Malik Customs.
BitFenix CUSTOM MODDING BUILD around the world! 1. MSI Dragon Gaming Build (BitFenix Phenom) karya OC3D. Cekidottt p18WZjj_e9c
The white and black theme in BitFenix Prodigy mATX by Ocaholic Source : ocaholic http://www.o
BitFenix FLO Headset Review Source : hitechlegion fq_YRzCS4XA Likes Outstanding Music, Gaming and Multimedia Sound Reproduction Excellent Transient Response and Dynamic Range Make For Excellent Lively Sounding FPS/Battle Gaming Excellent Bass Depth With Musical, Concise Midbass Good Design and Con
:matabelo A dual radiator set up in the BitFenix Phenom! First time water cooling build by KarstRypke on Overclock dot net
BitFenix Prodigy mITX Titanfall Special Edition Custom PC Source : BitFenix Facebook Creation/Mod by : GhostMod
CeBIT 2014 Source : BitFenix-Deutschland Facebook BitFenix Colossus mITX BitFenix Phenom
Review : BitFenix Colossus Mini source : LinusTechTips 9N6CKccJzFg "The Bitfenix Colossus Mini takes style cues from their original Colossus and adds the more modern interior designs of the Prodigy and Prodigy M." "The Colossus Mini takes design elements from the Colossus and injec
Big Bro' Prodigy - Water Cooled E-ATX Prodigy MOD'S by Nikkop Source : Project logs Ini adalah hasil modding yang luar biasa dari bro Nikkop dimana Prodigy mATX disulap menjadi Prodigy E-ATX dan water cooled pula :) Excellent MOD'S by Nikkop.
BitFenix at Cagayan de Oro | LINKED 2014 Computer, Gadgets Expo & Cosplay Competition - Philippines source : BitFenix Philippines Ayo BitFenix Indonesia Tunjukkan TaringMu :iloveindonesias
Kapal miring kapten :ngakaks...overall keren dan innovative gan,sayangnya coma bisa Micro-ATX,kalo nyediain yg versi ATXnya ane beli dah pas launching.. Terimakasih bro @adlirahman atas masukannya yang saya rasa bagus sekali ATX version, pasti akan saya sampaikan ke pusat :) Gan aksesoris Bitf
Concept Launch - BitFenix Aegis Kaskus'ers , beberapa waktu lalu BitFenix menampilkan konsep produk casing terbaru mereka yang diberi nama BitFenix Aegis We have a new prototype in the office today, and we'd like to share it with everyone to collect everyone's feedback and suggestion. Along side