klo split yang udah di update kyak darksiders 2, ane masih belom paham gan.. avast nya aja yg rewel, itu false positive
Apply to the type of memory: the desktop The type of memory transmission: DDR2 Memory frequency: 800MHz Memory capacity: 2048MB Memory voltage: 1.9V CL set :5-5-5-12 Interface Type: 240Pin Rp.210.000 NETT Minat PM or sms = 0853 9066 1983 :sup2: sisa 1 buting
Apply to the type of memory: the desktop The type of memory transmission: DDR2 Memory frequency: 800MHz Memory capacity: 2048MB Memory voltage: 1.9V CL set :5-5-5-12 Interface Type: 240Pin Rp.210.000 NETT Minat PM or sms = 0853 9066 1983 :sup2:
Jual RAM ADATA DDR2 800G 2 GB Gaming series, ada 2 pcs...Dus nya cuma ada 1 A-DATA 2G DDR2 800G (desktop) description Apply to the type of memory: the desktop The type of memory transmission: DDR2 Memory frequency: 800MHz Memory capacity: 2048MB Memory voltage: 1.9V CL set :5-5-5-12 Interface Ty...
Klo ane pake kipas coolingpad lipat alhasil jadi kyk gini kebetulan ane pake modem EC1260-2 yg rada" adem...biar tambah kedinginan tuh modem :D ngga kyk modem AC682 yang katanya HOT...
ane setuju sama klo ngga salah ada 5 ategori kabel utp, yg bnyk dipake kategori 3 & 5. sesuai kebutuhan kategori 3 aja udah cukup bagus.
Gan tolong, ada yg tau ngga ini virus apa? Flashdisk ane kena virus pas dicolok di kompi kantor nih...Folder" nya jadi shortcut smua :( padahal udah di scan pake KIS2011 tapi folder"nya tetep jadi shortcut :(