hahahaa... :ngakaks :malus asli ngakak saya gan.. mendingan telepon mama aja kalau kehabisan dana. wwkwkwk...
Nobody wants to live on one piece of bread. Whenever the problem of money arises, each family should have a back up plan to solve these. Ever wondered why the idea of trust funds exists? Or how did they ever start? A fund may not be there instantly but it makes you feel secure that your child wil...
iya gan gogon udah ga buka pendaftaran lagi barusan nyoba fasty ngacir nih, mudah2an fasty bangkit lagi :matabelo disaat mega & ling2 turunin rate :berdukas
si kolo diserbu penduduk rusia rate langsung diturunkan http://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/11/17/5498963_20131117074211.png :nohope ======== tapi ya ada yang gede juga http://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/11/17/5498963_20131117075406.png tidur aja deh siapa tau jam kalong rate gede semua :D btw ane