makustnya ane gan yang gak bisa move on dari coutinho? :D mungkin agan salah asumsi hehe justru ane malah biasa aja sama coutinho :D ane kebetulan cuma sekedar ngepost golnya yang semalem aja, sekalian buat agan2 yang kalo2 masih ada yang pengen ngeliat aksi coutinho :D hehe :D ane sebelum2nya s...
Thohir Inter Club 'Moratti' in Indonesia Erick Thohir has not stopped deal with Inter now that he is back in Indonesia. The new Inter president follows the team completes the first steps towards the development dle brand, but do not forget to deciarsi new and old Nerazzurri fans flocked togethe...
Probable lineups Bologna vs. Inter (GdS and Whoscored) Agreement with Racing, Milito to say goodbye after this season Accord
kebanyakan latin semua kan yang gagal :D pemain latin potensinya lebih gede semua daripada pemain eropa :D cuma ya itu lebih suka main individual daripada kolektif buat tipe2 pemain kaya gitu :D dribbler latin kebanyakan tipikel gocek sih ya, pasti susah berkembang di serie a ngeliat bek2nya kua...
Kovacic, "Belli comparisons with Messi, but I live on the other. After the injury ..." "You're Lionel Messi." Vedran Corluka, the Croatian national, said these very words to Mateo Kovacic, young midfielder that two days ago he dragged his national team at the FIFA World Cup fi...
President Thohir at the Centro Sportivo Giacinto Facchetti Live on Sky telephone, Silvia Vallini did the report of visitaa Erick Thohir Interello held at the sports center in the early afternoon. A meeting involving, with many ideas of interest "Thohir visited the sports center, spoke with ...
Highlights: Croatia vs Iceland (13 min) Full match: Croatia vs Iceland hehe cuma orang2 yang gak ngerti bola buat yang masih ngeraguin ini anak :D ================= edit tambahan pokoknya intinya percaya aja lah sama kovacic :D udah keliatan kok dari talentanya :D kasih support biar bisa start...
TMW - Inter, Branca: "Thohir? We said things in general" Inter sporting director Marco Branca, left the headquarters of Inter, he spoke to reporters meeting with the President Erick Thohir. "There was not much time, there were many things to do on his part. We said things online q...
Thohir, Branca and Ausilio in place: at the start of the long-awaited summit Market As expected, the long awaited moment has arrived from Inter fans. Erick Thohir in fact arrived, led by a machine of society, along with the headquarters of the Inter faithful Steve Horowitz, to set the tone at the...
RAI with Erick Thohir:”Inter belongs to the supporters. The players need to play with their hearts” Erick Thohir presents himself to the Italian media. After the interviews and the press conferences, Thohir was a guest at Rai Tre’s show “Che tempo che fa” and he responded many question...
iya gan ngutang 28 euro :D ya anggep aja intermezzo buat lucu2an media dan lingkungan staff inter di sana :D ya memang betul gan :D kan yang menjabat presiden kehormatan cuma massimo moratti aja :D anak dan istrinya kan udah ada jabatan sendiri :D karena balik lagi ke nama presiden kehormatan i...
ya kalo sifat nya curva emg gitu ya bener sih kalo dibiarkan oleh waktu saja :D gw tu bingung klo pas ET diinterview, doi mudeng bhs italy.. ato ada yg translate terus video nya dicut..ato doi udah tau pertanyaannya ya? bisa keren gitu abis ditanya lsg jawab, walo jwb dalam inggris tetep aja mude
mudah2an inter channel kedepannya bisa HD, banyak kegiatan2 lain diluar lapangan yang bisa diliput (seperti channelnya mcfcofficial), dan bisa dual sub (inggris dan indonesia) :D :D Ricardo Alvarez Vs Ecuador(16/11/2013)
selamat bung Thohir. sudah jadi presiden inter :D siap siap dapat hadiah apa nih. :) branca out ?? eh itu thohir ngobrol ama moratti pake bahasa apa yah (yang di video pas awal datang ke appianio gentile. inggris or italy :D pake bahasa inggris gan :D moratti sama anaknya bisa bahasa inggris :D d
CLIP ERICK THOHIR AL CENTRO 'A.MORATTI' oKXDSm7km4Q Thohir Inter Day - da Malpensa alla Pinetina 14-11-2013 fZNb8sGHL6o :D
Gw nggak asal ngepost kok beneran penasaran aja sama si Radja Nainggolan. Selama ini kan klo gw baca di forum ini banyak bgt yg pengen dia gabung ke inter, makanya gw penasaran sehebat apa sih tuh anak. Jgn2 cmn karena dia ada darah Indonesia-nya makananya banyak interisti yg pgn dia gabung. Lha
VIDEO – Thohir landed in Milan Slideshow Version Q74A5OaWFz8 PHOTO - Even Roeslani lands with Thohir Video - Recent Thohir Interviews (English) BUCrHtAca68 PPt34YfTepk ZWXGCNlpAvg
Infographics :hn Inter making moves in England? As always when following mercato rumours in the English press it’s always wise to take everything with a pinch of salt a
Full match: Internazionale vs Livorno Date: 10 November 2013 Kick off: 02:45 Source: Television, 800x450, FLV, 709Mb (English) Source: Canal+Futbol HD, 1280x
post berita2 dulu sebelum beraktifitas :D Sky – Icardi’s surgery a success, out for at least a month Mauro Icardi underwent successful keyhole surgery on a sports hernia this afternoon. The operation was carried out in the presence of professor Franco Combi by Dr. Giuseppe Sansonetti, a special