lagi persiapan nmcc soedarto undip, wah seru temanya itu ALSA atau Kps? temanya ALSA atau KPS itu gimana ya ?
ayo rame in lagi yuk ni thread Siap, sekarang lagi ada kompetisi apa ? Tahun ini Atma Jaya bikin kompetisi moot court cyber crime, ayo semua teman-teman pada ikut !
Money can not fully buy a happines but at least money can reduce your sadness. i.e. ur father get hit by car and to make him recovered from the accident, you need to pick him up to hospital and after you arrived to the hospital, doctor who checked ur dad's condition mentioned that ur dad's is in c
i can look for another money, but i can look for another you This thread what are you going to say ? okay, next word is "sugar"
The distinction between me and Satria Garuda Bima-X is Satria Garuda spent his whole life just to save other people's life but me spent my whole life just to dedicate myself to keep you save Next: use the word "Clash of Clans"
untuk informasi, tahun 2015 akan diadakan MCC HAM Piala Prof Rudy M Rizky II oleh MCS FH UNPAD, dengan kasus kejahatan ham berat. informasi : twitter : @mcsfhunpad @MCCHAMFHUNPAD Contact Person : Axelsyah Reza (081519930278) line : axelsyah di tunggu ya kehadirannya para calon penegak hukum di ind