HiFi Active Sky 2016 FSX/FSX:SE/P3Dv3/P3Dv4 https://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/19/65/79/06/hifi-t10.jpg https://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/19/65/79/06/hifi-t11.jpg https://mega.nz/#!UQUhHKIY!u_NZIO-77eBMJ79efjT5dFjOGLVfw0VOqTzLFyXKrKs Nice job if it's works :)
black square on runway @ TNCM FlyTampa FS9, what I can do ? https://i.imgur.com/P5lKivB.jpg Bad krack, that's FyTAMPA protection when their ADDON seems to be pirated, serial is blacklisted.
Leave off the word Addons at end and you can get in, HOWEVER is now seems you must register with the site. it's closed :((((
+1 Definitively want to try this one out too! You'll be very disappointed !!!! just tried it, it just replace existing default textures no additional ones, loss of FPS and destroyed some of my addons
THANKS Avechelice FSX Dreamflight Perpignan Rivesaltes http://i.imgur.com/M37OKkm.jpg Only request by PM will be answered !
Our news here reports a 7.3 earthquake in Indonesia, I hope our friends arel all ok!!! Best wishes and prayers! http://earthquake-report.com/2014/11/15/massive-earthquake-northern-molucca-sea-on-november-15-2014/
FSX Some updates LTBA-Nadi-Munich FSX Taxi2gate Istambul Attaturk latest version FSX Aerosoft Mega Airport Munich 1.02 Two original install-files (V1.01 and Udpate V1.02). Both are already kracked - execute these files FSX NXGN Nadi latest version Nadi update (full .. the old Nadi must be deinstal
FSX AEROSOFT BOLOGNA V1.0 http://static.squarespace.com/static/525e2da1e4b03a9509e0fb27/t/53a850a9e4b006b90821da7a/1403539647410/Capture.JPG Only request by PM will be answered ! Many thanks Captain Avechelice :)
FSX P3D FRANCEVFR MONTPELLIER MÉDITERRANÉE (LFMT) v1.0.2 http://www.simflight.nl/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/francevfr-montpellier-lfmt-640x400.jpg http://www.simflight.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/LFMTX_pw01.jpg Only request by PM will be answered ! Nice and thanx to Avechelice :)
FSX P3D Aerosoft Dublin V1.02 http://static.squarespace.com/static/525e2da1e4b03a9509e0fb27/t/532975cfe4b0bd8ef0313f46/1395226067180/ Only request by PM will be answered ! Thx Captain !
FSX P3D Aerosoft Thessaloniki V1.0 Use ascrypt.dll Pro (included) Only request by PM will be answered ! you're the best :) many thanks !
FSX Airbus X Extended CFM Sound Enhancements V.1.16.4 Only request by PM will be answered ! Many thanks, you're the best !!
FSX SteveX DX10 Fixer (KG included) Only request by PM will be answered ! @avechelice MANY THANX !!!!