hey there.....TOWNLEY, how's your son and daughter doing? :ngakaks and where's trevor and franklin man? I thought you are planning a big heist soon :ngakaks it's De Santa now :hammer: both of' 'em starting to rely on me .... since my whole family went to My Therapist ...... since then, we're st
@wadoeh128 well, pardon for that, pal .... :D but i'll just answer some question that relates to My Game ... :D so, what do you mean the Ending ? should i tell you ..... it could be spoiler for all the PC gamers, and i know people don't like spoilers that has spoiled before they enjoy it for thems
Jimmy done it ... that's so great to see your own son offers You something and driven you crazy and thrown up out of the car .... that was fantastic ... Yeah, i'm being sarcastic again as usual ..... :linux2: if i lost my mind, then how am i suppose to doing such thing in normal as you speaking...
i see My Old friend has attracted some attentions amongst all the people around the globe, eh ...... :linux2: Translate : Sayangnya kami tidak memiliki informasi untuk memberikan pada GTA V datang ke PC. put in your mind to keep all the calms on .... My Game definitely will be out on PC .... bu...
gan, bisa gak pake bahasa kaskus, ane kagak ngerti :D I was a bank robber till then ... not even any idea of thoughts that i might be as a bilingual speakers in my mind .... but i do understand You, just Ignore Me :D
bingung deh, nih orang orang mana, masa orang inggris tau bahasa kaskus :ngakak, mungkin di google tranlate-nya ada translate bahasa kaskus :ngakak id nya aja baru buat 2 hari yg lalu bro,,, :ngakak anak baru lagi yah :ngakak, makin banyak aja yah user newbie di kaskus :ngakak ane agak cu
hore hoax :recsel :ngakaks :hammers :bettys belom ampuh nih :ngakaks :hammers gw pikir benaran ini :ngakak :ngakak:ngakak:ngakak sial ketipu You forget a thousand things every day, pal. Make sure this is one of ‘em :army
GTA V PC Activation KEY: C0M30-NR0CK-5TAR4-NN0UN-C3GT4-5F0RP-CTH1S-M0NTH *includes hidden message Come on rockstar announce gta 5 for pc this month :ngakak Not yet, Boys ... My game is still on Developing ... hope You guys be patient for the waiting .... i'm sure as you are all expecting Me a