Hello guys, newcomer here.:malu: is there any active chat group in Whatsapp or telegram? already visit on chat group thread but seems inactive
gw tambahin FR SKD hari pertama, dari berbagai sumber kebanyakan grup Tele: TIU bangun ruang ada 6 nmor, premis" ada 5 nmor, hitungan desimal 4 nmr, deret angka cma 3, sisanya soal cerita" hitungan gan itu seingatku Klo TWK pasal ama undang" cman 5 nmor aja aman wkwk Sisanya kaya
still Your page is temporary unavailable | back to home fyuh so thats mean your exam canceled today Do you want me to pour coffee for you? :o yes please, less sugar ya :D ondeh mandeh :takut That is not true :takut hahaha usually girl become poetic when dealing with her own story :D
test and wish me luck may luck always be with you wkwkwkwk don't cheat if you don't have to :D There's a truth behind a cry And there's a cry behind a lie :kr Letto y band quote of the day :D
I'm 23 wow .. im proud of you son :D Morningg, garongg cat :D Too early for beer this morning, dont you think? ;) because i can't find a coffee, do you want to offer me one :D morning bro hi hows your day :D 29 my age :hammer:hammer By Vicky prasetyo :ngacir: based on your avatar your age s
woow.. you are programmer too ? :matabelo: yes I'm, but not as sophisticated as many people thought. Just newbie copy paste from google :D how about you, how many languages do you master it :salamkenal
I hate coding :hammer: I love coding, that's where my money comes from :D Do you have the video they sleep together? :genit don't forget to share if you get one :D
Topics of day is boy like girl, are you like k-pop absolutely no ... excuse me, I want to throw up :berbusa ... wkwkwk ok lets continue :beer:
Hmm nice breakfast with porridge. Same like meh watching movie, what movie u play right now? already download 21 movie last week. Not decided yet which movie i will be watch. right now i'm watching encore the good doctor on fox. How about you?
Ehh you cant continue your dreams in the next sleep tho :lehuga * The parents in this story are like many of us. We find it easy to love those who are good-looking or fun to have around, but we do not like people who inconvenience us or make us feel uncomfortable. We would rather stay away from p
QUOTE=goonerettekw;5abeb0fe1a9975f85a8b456e] Wake up guys :babygirl just wake up, planning to take vacation into the next dream wkwkek sad story, but idk what suppose to tell through this story. What a pity, why not tell the truth about his circumstances morning .... wow we got hard worker her...