hell yeah...!!! i like read Hiatus X Hiatus:hammer , oh sorry i mean Hunter x Hunter, i always curious with the character of this manga. like, what is his/her nen type, his/her past, what is her/his nen ability. my favourites story of this manga are when Hisoka fight with chrollo in heaven arena,...
spaeking skill and grammar. i dont have any problem when i have conversation with my indonesian friends, if i dont know the vocabulary i just open my english indonesian app, but when i have conversation with foreigner it's different story, i always nervous, it make my pronounciation not clear, an...
Prime ID: .lp.underground Name: Alim Ashari Domicile: Surabaya Status: stop it, get some help Hobby: wacthing anime and movies Social media: chat me via PM bro
i think instagram is good sosial media, you can find good information from there, especially the information is releated to your favourite things like hobby, fav actor/actress etc, but sometimes you can find some shit pictures or videos on instagram.:malus
jirr... ane gak bisa bayangin pas esek2 sama cewek,, eee... tiba2 temen lo nyamperin lo dan bilang : what the heck bro, is that your dick..? it is small... dan cewek lo langsung bilang gini " holy shit man.. i can't feel your dick, i hate asian dick":takut :wow
video yg android itu ngebosenin banget, tp tiap dengerin sountracknya jd keinget vidonya i'm poppy. ane lebih penasaran ama blank room soup n hamburger lady.
kalo orangnya kenal sering ketemuan tp ngeselin sering kirim pesan berita hoax palingan gw silent mode berlaku juga sama group. kalo enggak kenal lasung gw delcon aja. sampe sekarang enghgak pernah di blokir ato ngeblokir.
kalo ane sih, kalo emang bisa ane bantu, pasti ane bantu tp hanya yg emang orang itu gak bisa... kalo emang ane gak bisa bantu yaa pastinya enggak ane bantu