\n\nwhat can i do...:malu:\n\nthe director is keira knightley...:o:o\n\n\n\nROFL\n\n\n\now, it's u boss :malu:
\n\nok, i'm in a state of confusion right now :bingung:\n\n:linux2:\n\n\n\nno one asked about it!!!!!!! :mad:
\nyea, i'm from jakarta...:malu:\n\nlol, ok then\n\ni'm a male btw\nnice to meet ya\n\nerr, 1 more question, what is bedulur? :malu:
@nakal\nsimas neh pasti...:o:o\n\n@myluv\nme too :kissing:\n\n@edxxx\nwell he just being controlled by other people\nthat's what i heard from people in here :D:D
\n\nwell, we have freedom of speech in here :D:D\nas long as we didn't provoke anybody :p\n\nyea bro\n\n\n\nyea, i'm staying in USA now...:malu:\n\nwhat do u mean by ULU or ILIR?\nstates?\n\n\n\nbtw, just to let u guys know...
\ni'm staying in here...\n\ni don't know bout their opinion in here, but i'll go ask some of my friends then...:)\n\nbtw what u mean by "government receive complicated"? :confused:\n\nbut i do know that they don't like bush because he star...