Sebelumnya thanks bgt gan buat respon video nya. Sory akhir2 jrg ngaskus jd jrg reply. Mau kasih info dalam menyambut Ulah Tahun AMBLE yg ke-2, ada diskon selama bulan Agustus ini. Berlaku sampai tgl 26 Agustus :) Update stok just follow @amblefootwear // Thansk :beer:
Numpang post agan-agan :) AMBLE S/S 2011: PLAY, WORK, ADVENTURE International Video Campaign Enjoy it. Thanks Agan-agan, Thanks Kaskus. Sukses untuk brand Indonesia :beer:
Thanks gan :beer: Thanks gan hehe. blm gan skrng sementara msh di webstore dlu. kemaren abis brightspot udh broken size jd lg produksi lg. segera ada di the goods dept. gan :D
iya gan semoga. sama2 gan :beer: AMBLE sole pake bahan solid rubber gan (di press di suhu temperatur yg tinggi). karakternya fleksibel, daya tahan kuat, anti slip dan gampang dibersihin. Yang skrng dipake non-marking jg (ga akan ninggalin bekas karet di lantai) untuk luar negeri ini salah satu p...
amin gan semoga terlaksana :) wah anak muda langka bgt gan sejauh yg ane liat kemaren. byknya bpk2 sama opa2. itu event sebenernya buat industri sepatu dan kulit yg udh besar gan. banyaknya perusahaan pensupply bhn baku. ada perusahaan kulit, perusahaan adhesives dari Italy, perusahaan machinery...
Porcelain MMX SS 2011 bisa kunjungi di : Sukses ya Porcelain-MMX :beer:
thank you gan. alhamdulillah yg dlu bermula dari kamar kecil utk produksi skrng udh bisa kasih kemajuan buat pekerja. doain gan skrng sdg akan project pemberdayaan beberapa kampung pengrajin sepatu di daerah untuk bisa lebih mandiri dan re-generasi. ada beberapa rencana social responsibility di ...
halo gan, akhirnya bisa ngaskus lg stelah sekian lama ga ngaskus hehe. AMBLE S/S 2011 udah meng-udara ya bos untuk detail bisa cek di terima kasih untuk agan-agan yang udah support. Maju terus Indonesian brand, maju terus persepatuan Indonesia :...
A half of new collection, Full of new collection will be release at Brightspot Market. Introducing a new signature sole from solid rubber (non-marking) Available in two colors, off -white and black-asphalt. For the lining and insole, every pair of new AMBLE coated with lamb skin and vegetable la...
A half of new collection, Full of new collection will be release at Brightspot Market. Introducing a new signature sole from solid rubber (non-marking) Available in two colors, off -white and black-asphalt. For the lining and insole, every pair of new AMBLE coated with lamb skin and vegetable la...
Permisi juragan, A new signature of AMBLE outsole. Processed by EDM system for a good detail. Made from solid rubber. A good durability and flexibility with non-marking features. We using an international standart shoelast (plastic). A goat skin in lining for your extra comfort. We do the coo...
Permisi juragan, A new signature of AMBLE outsole. Processed by EDM system for a good detail. Made from solid rubber. A good durability and flexibility with non-marking features. We using an international standart shoelast (plastic). A goat skin in lining for your extra comfort. We do the coo...