ga heran Indonesi masuk 5 besar. temen gue aja yg udah ganti BB ke Iphone, tiap pagi heboh bgt gara2 Bbm for iOS nya blm bs dipake:toast
I have been really interesting in language for long time, and it's kinda interesting a profession as translator. :ngakak
I am one of those people who can enjoy Korean stuffs but I can't consider myself as fan. I like Big bang and enjoy K drama but I enjoy it just like another program. and Running man is the only Korean stuff that I really watch. I think they're just like another trend that will be replaced by other...
bagus suratnya, kenapa harus ngurusin miss world. kalo udah pada datang ke Indonesia terus tiba-tiba batal, apa ga malu. Sebaiknya urusin kementeriannya yang disebut sebagai kementerian terkorup.:sorry