\n\narh yea me too\ndont mention that 'e' word, it scares me out\nhope i wud do a gd paraphrasing later\ngtg slaving over my books ;)\nyikes
\n\n\n\nhey!\nsorry haven't replied any of your pm\nit's been crazy down here\n\nanyway.. here's a quickie\n\nparagraph 1\ngood opening. just add some clearer statement like.. 'so yes, we should never, never, ever, give up!' or ...
@carbuncleRUBY\ncheers :D\ni think MSTRKRFT was giving examples by mentioning how the tools make life easier. anyway.. gd luck for this 30th nov.. just.. relax and think clearly :)b\n\n\n\n@ID\nreally dont have time to do the big thing now\nwill be free in about tw...
^\ni'd have to disagree with carbuncleRUBY\n\n\n\n\nthe 2nd essay is much better than the 1st one\n\nignore minor errors\npicture this:\n-the examiner will have like hundreds of essays to mark\n-so..he won't spent much time to scrutinize every...
many of my reviews have been deleted because they were in indonesian\ngot mixed up with the other thread i guess..\nnext time better post in that other thread which allows indonesian..except if you want to be reviewed in english\nfor a while i thought i was dreaming about posting my r...
\n\ngood job bro\ni see improvement there, more understandable\nbut you're still stuck with the same pattern\n\ndi essay yg waktunya 30 menit, minor errors ga terlalu diperhatiin, yang paling penting struktur nya, koheren ato ngga..\n\nparagraf 1\nI had to...
^\nthe good thing is you know some big words (difficult vocabs) which shall add points to your essay\n\ngo write another :)b\nganbatte
nouns that could come with 's' in the end are countable\nwe can't put 's' in the end of non-countable nouns\neg. we cannot write sugars ; we only have sugar no matter how much sugar is being talked about..\nbut we can have: three bags of sugar