\n\npresent..\n\nhi I'm here..\n\nhello everybody do hv plan 4 this long weekend?\n\nbtw 4 those who clebrate eidul hajj.. \nhappy Eidul Hajj'\n"minal aidin wal faidzin"\n\n\nand hv a nice holiday
Here is a short story with a beautiful message... \n \n\n\n\nLittle girl and her father were crossing a bridge. \nThe father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter, \n'Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river.' ...
\n\nI'm still in jakarta..\ni felt cold b'coz i'v got fever 2 day...\n:o\nany suggestion from all of u guys what kind of medicine that i'hv 2 drink..??\n\noh.. I miss my mom.. :(
\n\n\n4 me.. it's v cold.. but not 4 u.. i'm sure u'll lilke it...\nair temperature around 15-20 degree in d aftrnoon and it's become under 10 in d evening..\n\nanyway.. it's v nice n beautifull country...\nenjoy it...:)b
I wish I can help u..\n\ncoz I only know little bit about sydney..\nit was verry cold there.. if u compared it with palembang..hehehe