\n\nops lol\n\nkemaren malem, thorim and hodir down! gila thorim adds-nya banyak amet, kira2 3-4 kali lebih banyak dari padah 25m sarth+3.
First day, guild gw down Flame Levi ama Razorscale. Habis itu attempt deconstructor. Waktu attempt deconstuctor, nga tau kalo dps heart-nya akan kurangi hp boss. Jd wipe trus karena enrage. Trus pergi buat Emalon(25voa) and dapet t8.5 gloves! ;)\n\nKemaren, balik ke ulduar, 2 shotted deco...
\n\nHp pool terlalu dikit.\n\nDefense cukup 540, ganti tuh defense gem ke stamina aja. Jgn pernah gem avoidance(dodge/parry), gem expertise for red socket.\n\nenchant tuh boots, Tuskar's Vitality.\n\nDo SoH dailies for shoulder enchant.
\n\nHead:\nHood of Rationality – Malygos (Naxx 25) Ember Skyflare + Runed Scarlet Ruby\nEnchant: Arcanum of Burning Mysteries – Revered, The Kirin Tor\n\nNeck:\nWyrmrest Necklace of Power – Malygos Head Turnin (25) + Runed Scarlet Ruby\n\nBack...
\n\nShadow priest habis cap hit yaitu 10%(alliance) / 11%(horde), naekin spell power, jgn pernah gem crit/haste. Kalo bisa prioritaskan crit>haste dari gear.
\n\nSpirit = Spell power buat lock bukan buat regen. \n\ngw prefer 15spirit dari 10stats, karena 15spirit dapet a little more spell power dari 10stats. Next patch, juga ada glyph of lifetap, yg inc spirit by 20% for 20sec. Jadi 15spirit akan benefit more habis raid buff.
\n\ncuma spirit dari +10stats yg benefit buat warlock, yg laen stam/int/str/agi useless. And ngapaen spend over 500g buat enchant +10stats when +15spirit cuma 20g and lebih bagus dari +10stats?
\n\nThaddius, DPS/healers harus stack together, depending on the polarity debuff. Tiap stack polarity debuff, akan dapet increase damage done by 10%.\n\nMalygos, phase 2, harus masuk ke anti magic shield yg warna ungu itu, supaya reduce dmg taken.