Even the British, Australians, & Americans have their own accents :D The Southerners (US red states) have such a heavy accents that may give non-native english people a hard time to understand. I think it's okay whatever accent we speak, as long as we can communicate well enough.
Indonesia has large numbers of internet users but usually only active in local forums like Kaskus, Indowebster, and others. There are only few Indonesians in international internet forums like Eastbound88, Anthroscape, etc. and when they active in international forums that's usually in entertainm...
my male friend love to be naked in cam, he did it and like to show his penis. He did it to make me feelin horny and want to do same like him. but i refused, and i just said, i just like to see, and dont like to be naked infront of the cam. i like him, seems i am in love with him. he is smart, edu
HP buat flexi yg bagus apa aja ya? bukan buat inet, cm buat telp, tapi yg data contactnya bisa multi phone number gitu.. Ane pake samsung flip, tapi per contact cm 1 nomor doang, hari geneee :) tx