kalo udah krisis biasanya terjadi kerusuhan.. kalo kerusuhan bakalan banyak momoy di perkaos lagi nih.... :kbgt: Suatu saat nanti Anda akan punya istri dan anak perempuan, Anda sekarang juga mungkin punya ibu atau saudara perempuan. Jika mereka di rudapaksa dan Anda gak tau siapa pelakunya sepert...
Itu simbol namanya Flower of Life, itu simbol umum dan siapapun bisa make, gak bisa disebut plagiarisme. Ada kaitannya dengan religius juga, baca deh http://www.crystalinks.com/floweroflife.html atau kalau mau lebih lengkap google aja, lebih banyak dibahas tentang Flower of Life dan Tree of...
Alan Mathison Turing, OBE, FRS (23 Juni 1912 – 7 Juni 1954), adalah pria Inggris ahli matematika, logikawan, cryptanalyst, dan ahli komputer. Hebatnya, Alan adalah seorang pria GAY. Berkat pria homoseksual ini, manusia modern bisa memakai komputer, berkat jasanya dalam konsep algoritme dan komp...
well then, so what's your effort to pursue that all the time? "relentless practice" and "ceaseless enthusiasm", what do you mean by that? you mean "oh I just turn up before foreign fellas all day and go 'hye up, let's talk in english mate'."? I’m afraid I don’t re
Due to the fact that most of my reading materials are English, therefore I think learning other languages is practically necessary, nothing more. Speaking in English or other languages is only for technicality’s sake for me, a useful tool to give and acquire any information. What are your thou...
I'm pretty sure I didn't get you wrong, my dear. I was only aware of two sides of probability that your statements might have been implying something else—I was anticipating that and maybe an impending of another thing. I apologize in advance for confusing you earlier, my comments may have bee...
a krack dealer is kind of... what to do say. in Indonesian it's sometimes called as "BD". in England, it stereotypically is black who wearing hooded jacket like mandems on the wall, or sometimes white with skinny jeans deals any drug or sells meds. not only about drugs, but also messing u
What kind of dealers and what kind of trouble I would get? Yes, I live near Jakarta, though not quite right there. No, I’m not planning to go there and I’m aware that it’s not a wise thing to do, but thanks for the warning. :) Ahaha, what an amusing tale you have there! Well, I think I’...
nah fam I've never been freaking to live in any English-spoken country. yet doesn't mean we can't learn do it? as I'd go above yeah, I don't speak Scottish, and neither I got to tell ya even to speak Irish. I just know a bit. and yuck for me IMFHO Irish is way too hard to be practiced both speaki
Uh, I'm a female, kind sir. :) Anyway, thank you so much for the extensive answer, I hope I didn't give you too much trouble for that... wait, I obviously did. I watched a Scottish actor acting (Richard Madden, ring any bells?) and for me it's very hard to follow his dialogues, thus I'm a bit cu...
Oh, this is proper interesting! Can you please tell me more about the Scottish and Irish accent? What makes them different in pronunciation?
Kritik konstruktif dan menghina itu berbeda. Saya setuju siapapun untuk mengkritik siapapun dengan bahasa yang baik, bukan dengan bahasa kasar. Itu namanya bukan 'kebebasan berbicara' tapi 'kebablasan berbicara'. SBY memang diam tapi bukan berarti beliau gak tersinggung meski beliau gak sampai me...
I think your list is an interesting one, especially the item on the top of the list. I know it's a lack of self-assurance and I need a feedback to brush up my English skill, like "do I use the correct grammar?" 'Is this good enough?" Understandable is too low for my standard, I thi...
1. Hannibal on NBC is my favorite right now. 2. Game of Thrones. Well, not really, but to be honest, I watch this series only for Jon Snow and Robb Stark, I'm a thorough sucker for heart-warming brotherhood. I dislike unnecessary, abundance sex and rape scenes thus I'm not a great fan of this sho...
Mungkin jarang ngeliat forum lain kali. Saya sering kok ketemu kaskuser cewek selain di forum H2H. Saya kaskuser cewek, fokus di forum Education, Sejarah dan Xenology atau Science.
Saya rasa itu ide yang bagus. Mirip seperti nasib Billaud-Varenne yang malah menjadi petani terus pas diajak kembali mengabdi tapi ke pemerintahan monarki dia malah menolak. Kabari saya yah kalau udah jadi threadnya, saya jarang login ke Kaskus soalnya. :D
Pada dasarnya apa yg anda tulis memberikan pencerahan pd sy dan menjawab rasa penasaran sy. Tadinya sy berusaha menganalisa pandangan Robespiere diawal revolusi yg meskipun keras memiliki rasa kemanusiaan yg besar, jd agak aneh jika transformasinya begitu menyimpang dari asas dasar perjuangannya....
Pada dasarnya apa yg anda tulis memberikan pencerahan pd sy dan menjawab rasa penasaran sy. Tadinya sy berusaha menganalisa pandangan Robespiere diawal revolusi yg meskipun keras memiliki rasa kemanusiaan yg besar, jd agak aneh jika transformasinya begitu menyimpang dari asas dasar perjuangannya....