RSGM Dr Soedomo UGM\n\nFuji finepix 8.0mp\nphotoshop 7 layers\nadjustment on:\ncurves, hue saturation, selective color, level etc\nusing layer masking
\n\nphotoshop 3 layers, \ncamera : kodak easy share 8.0Mp\nadjustmen on photoshop : \nhue saturation\nlevel\nselective color\ncurve\nusing layer mask each of layer\n\n\n\nsame with 4 layers
\nikut nimbrung..... iki foto bojoku.....\ndiambil pake :sony erricson K618i\nresolusi asli : 1200x1600\ngw edit pake CS3\nfilter blur 3 pixel\nadjusment pada curves, hue saturation, color balance, terus ditumpuk layer warna item, transparansi 60% dihapus seperlunya...