Dear Gan & Sis :peluk Cinta Agan beda Agama? Kira-kira bisa dibawa ke jenjang pernikahan nggak ya? Berhenti bertanya-tanya lagi Gan, langsung aja dateng ke KopDar-nya KASKUS KASKUS mengundang KASKUSer untuk ikutan KopDar &quo jangan terlalu mencintai dunia gan, semua akan terjadi jika sudah waktunya
:selamatWelcome to Mkoer's Thread:selamat Ealahhh dapet HT tohhh Hello Bro & Sist hari gini nihh enaknya ngomongin smartphone ya..secara smartphone lagi eksis kan? semua vendor bersaing merelease smartphone dgn spek paling mutakhir (walaupun gak kepake bange
Hey Friends, I want to hear your reason why does English so important for you? :) Why does English so important for me because English is the main language wherever you're. I mean I didn't say that every country were using English but at least if we talk to them using English they can understand wh
Hi, I have a question for you guys! Do you use English at work? such as speak English in meeting or sending email in English? if you do so, please answer my question ! Thanks in advanced. yes, i do.
I'm Albanian , sometimes I asked the Indonesian people about the address, they just shut up and keep walking away, even the taxi driver, what the hell are you guys? A zombie man? who do you think you are ?
ya kalo cerita agan seperti thread itu, ya kagak enaklah. tapi kan banyak cerita lain yang bisa disyukuri ketika punya pacar.