Hi saya lg cari kamar Daerah balestier, toapayoh, bishan dan ang mo kio Budget max 750 include PUB. Bisa hubungi saya 83121253
http://s.kaskus.id/images/2014/11/10/5682799_20141110055406.jpgSpacey Common room NO OWNER available for 1 Dec 2014 at: Toapayoh lorong 5 block 44 03-111. S$ 600 per month exclude pub and wifi. Fully furnished: Aircon, washing machine and dryer. You will be staying with 4 indonesians. Very good l
Hi saya lagi nyari common room budget 650 exclude PUB Indo chinese Murid SIM umur 23 Preferable area: -toa payoh -bishan -mauntbatten -paya lebar -clementi Allow cooking. Allow visitor. Hubungi saya William 83121253 Thankss :D
Lagi nyari kamar tapi lebih milih kalo ada yang butuh roommate buat awal Agustus. Ane murid SIM umur 22, indochinese. Budget SGD 600 (exclude PUB) - 750 (include PUB) preference - lokasi: Toapayoh, Mountbatten, Dakota atau yang dekat dengan SIM - internet - gak merokok - boleh masak tapi kalo gak...