begini para agan-agan semua saya ada masalah dengan listening terkadang guru les saya ngajak ngobrol pake bahasa inggris ke saya tapi yang saya ngerti dan ketangkep ama saya cuma dikit dan ketika saya mendengar dia bicara kaya gak jelas gitu, dan ketika saya minta dituliskan ke papan tulis apa yang
anda perlu belajar Pronunciation gan :) mungkin kelemahan anda di pronun jadi untuk listening pun berpengaruh.. hehe :malus boleh bagi2 cendol gan? :cendols
untuk yang berada di wilayah Surabaya dan Sekitarnya yang ingin mengambil les privat bahasa inggris. silahkan buka link dibawah ini untuk penjelasan lebih lengkap. THANKS :malus:kiss Jika anda berminat silahkan hubungi saya Call/SMS/WhatsApp
Kim's Privat lesson Saya memberikan privat e Bahasa Inggris bagi yang ingin belajar bahasa inggris/meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa inggrisnya tapi tidak punya waktu atau tidak sempat mengambil les privat. dengan mengambil privat e English anda akan bisa belajar bahasa inggris walaupun anda tidak memp
I study english because i'm planning to live in another country :malus wow! thats nice :matabelo haha what country do you want to live?
To survive, nuff said :malus English is very important because my some of works must be done in English even though I'm not a translator. :ngacir: sure english today is very needed because all of the side need english surely english is very important Very crutial and important for me, coz the
i like watch tv program from discovery, natgeo, animal planet and so on because i think almost all tv program in this country is shit. i need english because i need entertainment hahaha i see :ngakak
English is popular nowadays because the sources of knowledge are mostly coming from English speaking countries or at least the knowledge itself is translated into English. No need a very impressive English, at least can communicate with other people and understand each other, it should be enough fo
it's just because one reason : I WANNA GO ABROAD it was my dream since i was kid till now and will always, God, please make my dream comes true :matabelo :matabelo hopefully God hear your wishes. actually me too the reason why iam learn english is cuz i wanna go abroad and have many friends all ar
Basically at the open statement of this thread, it has been already mentioned some common roles of English laguage nowadays. In brief, English is just a language. yupp! English is just a language :) :D
well, if i'm not forgot the reason why im learning english actually because i want to conquer some playstatione game :ngakaks LOL XD HAHA:ngakak
I concur that the English language is significantly an important medium to be able to effectively communicate with internationals and more so to adapt in the current modern era. However, IMHO I believe that learning the mother language should always be perceived as top priority before tackling on...
I learn english because someday I want to teach it to people in remote areas whose english is far from adequately good people in remote areas are also noobs in technology mainly because they don't know english while many techs use english as medium of instruction in the manual. it happens that my
Yap you're right..! It is important to master english both oral and verbal to live in this modern era :1thumbup English will be spoken in all countries, such as Indonesia :ngakak hihi :malus thanks All :kiss
im sorry if iam monolog :sorry but i just wanna share information about how important english for you..
WELCOME TO MY NEW THREAD :kiss :ilovekaskuss Olahraga Cara ini memang terdengar klise, tapi ini sudah jadi hal yang wajib ya guys... tidak bisa dipungkiri usaha sebesar apapun tanpa olahraga hasilnya ten