Buat mastah disni, Tempat gawe ane rencana mau buat ulang web yg ada, sementara ini website cuma digunain buat webmail aja. kedepan mau nya semua di aktipin lagi. perusahaan ane begerak di coal meaning surveyor, buat agan" yg tertarik silahkan pm ane. kriteria yg boss ane mau : eye catching l
We are 41studio, a growing IT Company in South-East Asia based in Cimahi, Indonesia. We've been helping start up companies around the world to make the best out of them since 2008. Our specialties are Web Development, Web Design and Mobile Development. We keep on growing, so we're hiring! There are
We are 41studio, a growing IT Company in South-East Asia based in Cimahi, Indonesia. We've been helping start up companies around the world to make the best out of them since 2008. Our specialties are Web Development, Web Design and Mobile Development. We keep on growing, so we're hiring! There are
Coba lagi ya Gan. udah ane coba bisa. Makasih Infonya ya Gan. http://s.kaskus.id/images/2014/12/31/7423862_20141231094359.png Thread Ane yang lain Gan: uda bisa gan, pake firefox. pake chrome tadi gagal haha
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