Firstly. Yes, I will teach my kids to speak English early when I have one. Even I'm planning to use English as our everyday language at home, not that I don't want to teach proper Bahasa Indonesia, I will, but since English is not something we regularly use unlike Bahasa Indonesia, I...
hahaha omg, i even forgot to introduce myself! my bad. :malus hello, you can call me tika. i'm 22 and living in jakarta. was that enough for an introduction? hehehehe... pleased to meet u! cheers. :rainbow:
hi all, it's kinda funny that i found this thread just today. i really like talking in english, not that i'm bragging that i'm good at it, but i just love it. tbh, my english is still lacking a lot. (and i blame my working environment for it. lol) so, it's very nice to meet yo...
Haiii bos ibramkooofff\n\nMaaf ya baru testi sekarang :)\nLA Noire nya sampe H+3, agak lama sih.. :bingungs\ntp gapapa, yang penting sampe hehehe... :matabelo:\n\nPas barang dateng syok aja ngeliat dikirim pake kayu! hahaha :ngakak\nWah, ternyata mas ibram ini sangat t...