maaf gan tlng di bwat list player yg maen online dong di forum ini jadi lbh byk temennya yg dpt di add tentukan char, time OL nya, atau mungkin lvl, jgn dominasi smua nya kasihan player newbie kyk ane :sorry MOHON DI PERTIMBANGKAN :2thumbup :shakehand2
Bro For your case abit tough cos u really gotta update ur version to the latest one. In order for u to enjoy the OF created by greyfox. He creates according to the latest update as majority of the ppl here also updated their data pack. I m not sure if we could dl the data pack online and save to ...
caranya di atas yaa, kl ga bisa juga tggu versi selanjutnya "WE" msh termasuk baru jadi jrng pacthnya WE ga bisa maen bareng PES community nanti sapa yaa yg mau di bwatin tuk WE comunity.... need help juga nih for WE mania
Guideline: (Before you start, make sure you have download and update the latest patch from Konami (EXTRA CONTENT-Update Pack)) 1) ensure you have USB drive/palmdrive for you to copy the OF. 2) ensure you have Winrar software inside your computer in order to unzip the file. 3) after you complete ...
bwat yg pgn winning eleven 2011 patchnya bisa download disini link : smoga membantu cendol dong gan for updatenya :ilovekaskus :iloveindonesia :kiss :iloveindonesia :ilovekaskus