WTS PS Vita 3g/wifi mode with screen protector . Model PCH-1106 can be using sim card . Texting,serve internet without wifi coverage .used few times only due to work commitment . Make you reasonable best offer . Packages include : 1x PS Vita ( Black Color ) worth $250 1x Fifa game 13 worth $30 1x 3
gan ane salut sama ente . ane baru tau ada kasus hafid itu setelah barusan ane ketipu . jumlah lumayan , Rp.1.250.000 . id annisa7 emang ane nya aja yg bodoh ~_~
ane juga pelaut sis . smua yg ente tulis bener ituu hahaha . ya walaupun ane masih kadet . tgl 22 mei bsk wisuda . salam Pelaut dari ane . Diaz,BP2IP,angktn XXIII .