Wah gan, cuacanya serem banget :( fix banget sih kayaknya Air Asia jatuh karena cuaca yang seserem ini.
Kalo di Jakarta ada kayaknya kita bakal nabrakkin polusi yang udah nutupin sebagian besar langit kita deh dan polusi yang ngebuat langit Jakarta gak sebiru itu lagi :sorry
Kenapa ya orang-orang Indonesia gak bisa mikir yang bener, pikirannya negatif mulu. Gimana negaranya bisa maju kalo gaada keselarasan antara rakyatnya sama pemerintahnya.
Kalo dihunungin sama sejarah masuk akal kok gan, dulu kan pas ppki sempet ada perubahan sama alinea yg pertama, dari menjalankan syariat Islam bagi pemeluk-pemeluknya diganti dengan Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa. Wajarlah kalo ada bagian yg kontra disana dan berperan sebagai pihak yg gakbisa nerima dgn...
aww, such a romantic story as sweet as in movie! hope you both have an everlasting love and can meet soon. btw I wonder how Nisa looks like, she must be beautiful :)
Like any other language, mastering English is a continuous effort. If you stop using it for a year, for example, your skill will drop. That's just how languages work. You don't use it, you lose it. Which is probably why our education system doesn't work very well in teaching English. Because once c
I do feel the same. it's because you use indonesia language rarely in your daily conversations. if you speak indonesia more often, it will improve your self-confident. where does the shy feeling come? from your afraidness of doing the mistakes while you're speaking. so do I now, I'm writing in bi...
I think because intelligent people think more on the detail of every single things happened. they consider every point of view, while normal people just let everything flow though they know the bad and good effects of the things. based on research people who doesn't care as much as who cares really
I love to watch Dr. House. House is addorable eventhough he's so lazy. I just wonder wheter the doctor as him is present in this world haha. Behind his plain face, there are thousands of genius knowledges of medicine to cure the patients. even I haven't seen that he solve the problem wrong. another
Ah, I love this topic by the way. It's fun to imagine how success my life would be, eventhough it's just a dream. I really want to be a singer and actress. I want to singing in the big stage where I can decorate it with my own concept, from the lightning until the shape of stage lol (I love the '...
This thread also makes me smile :) I think the optimism of indonesian of speaking english was came from the education system here that encourage us to speaking english with the right grammar. This emphasis make a fearness to speak wrong. As long as people understand of what we're talking about, I...
Yes, I would teach them English as early as possible. I realize how english is really important nowadays. Based on the surveys, people who has high ability of english will get 30-50% higher income than normal employee. Moreover there will be free trade of asean in 2015 and it means we and our chi...
Such a nice thread! I wish it can help my english skill improvement process. And I think omegle website can be the must-try method to learning english, because we can practice the nonformal and slank language there. By the way, I have a problem on being afraid to make the mistakes while I'm speak...