Pronunciation, Gan sebagai masukan saja dalam dunia kebahasaan semuanya tuh Universal, maksudnya, kalo Agan tanya ke orang Inggris, Amerika, Irlandia, atau Australia pun pasti berbeda. karena dilihat juga di Intercultural dan Bahasa Inggris yang di gunakan di Negara tersebut. Kalo saya Pribadi Me...
thanks banget Gan, ane juga lagi resolusi 2015 nih pokoke kudu Usaha, berat sih buat ngeyakinin istri ama keluarga. tapi bermodal Bismillah pokonya from zero deh
hai Gan. are you from the great britain? I really want to speak british accent. if you are from Cimahi bandung. maybe we can make english course or just having english community.
Thank you so much gan.. insy4jj masih banyak nih ane punya amunisi ama jurus2 cerita lucu. Thanks berat kalo bisa buat sedikit nyengir atau ampe ketawa
I think The steps: 1. Master the conversation 2. Try to answer your partner's questions in conversation as many as you can 3. Understand the meaning, usage, and position of accent and dialect 4. Practice it 5. Advice from me, practice makes perfect whenever and wherever you are 6. Enrich your kno...