CAREER OPPORTUNITY PT. Wisata Dewa Tour and Travel Service or Wita Tour is a fully licensed travel operator that is committed to handle all of the travel related services and issues within both the domestic and international sectors. We focus on the concept of service excellence to fulfill our cust
Untuk lowongan ticketing, saat ini belum ada karena manager ticketing nya belum request. Kalau nanti ada lowongan yang buka, pasti akan kami update. Agan kalau punya teman atau saudara yang lulusan psikologi atau sekretariat, tolong di kabarin tentang lowongan ini ya. Terima kasih. Salam, WITA T...
CAREER OPPORTUNITY SECRETARY FOR DIRECTOR PT. Wisata Dewa Tour & Travel (WITA TOUR) is one of the most well-known travel agenies in Indonesia. Currently, we are urgently seeking qualified candidates for Secretarial position. Requirements: Female Maximum age: 32 Graduated from Secretarial Academy...