please make different between my personal kaskus account and my company's account, let says it's my working account in you get it? :) i think it's says it all...many thanks :kiss
yupss.. that's right sir. We more often call capro.. :D happy typing to you, happy typing to you all my Indonesian friends :)
gan ane mo nanya soal pix n' capro, ane udah coba cara login yg pake proxy, 5 id ... tapi semua error..gantian. apakah pix nya emang lagi error ato capro nya yg error ? :bingungs capro means captchapro right? let's make it clear sir, OUR SERVER NEVER ERROR, if you have some problems, it must the ca
good night Indonesia, we have to confirm you that fast typers is in the complicated trouble due to all their workers so ambisious to get the highest earning this week, THEY ARE DOWN, it's not captcahpro software are down. so to avoid the firing your ID, give fast typers times to fix their server, i
good morning Indonesia, due to Mr. Thang asking me to join this site together lol all i want to say is keep use our software! many thanks for your appreciation during this time, we are nothing without you! greetings from Captcha Pro Software :)