HOMESCHOOLING Menerima siswa baru homeschooling dan pindahan : 1. TK, SD, SMP, SMA 2. siswa berkebutuhan khusus: Autis, ADHD dll di seluruh Indonesia dan di luar negeri/bordeless. 3. Kurikulum : National, Bilingual, Internat
Sinergia Worldwide Education Open a New Registration for New Students and Transfer, for: 1. Independent School (3 x a week ) (IGCSE/”O”/”A” Level) 2. Homeschooling (International Curriculum Supported) Program/Grade: 1. Sinergia International : CIPP, 0 Level, A Level Methods: a. Programmin
SINERGIA WORLDWIDE EDUCATION Open a New Registration for New Students and Transfer, for: 1. Independent School (3 x a week ) (IGCSE/”O”/”A” Level) 2. Homeschooling (International Curriculum Supported) Program/Grade: 1. Siner Open a New Registration for New Students and Transfer, for: 1. Independent School (3 x a week ) (IGCSE/”O”/”A” Level) 2. Homeschooling (International Curriculum Supported) Program/Grade: 1. Sinergia International : CIPP, 0 L Open a New Registration for New Students and Transfer, for: 1. Independent School (3 x a week ) (IGCSE/”O”/”A” Level) 2. Homeschooling (International Curriculum Supported) Program/Grade: 1. Sinergia International : CIPP, 0 L